ASSESSMENT TITLE: Undertake project management to support technological practice NZ CURRICULUM AREA: Technology ASSESSMENT ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD:AS91609 CREDITS: 4 ASSESSMENT BRIEF: Create a plan to time manage your project for AS91610 or AS91903 using a variety of planning tools on DESCRIPTION: Research & use a range of project management practices & software tools to manage your the development of your promotional video or arcade game project.
Learning to manage your time & projects using a variety of software tools is a life skill. "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail" Benjamin Franklin 1750. Learners determine their own project for assessment AS91610 or AS91903. Throughout the development of their project, learners use a variety of planning tools to project manage their project. Planning tools include: brainstorms, mind maps, idea banks, reflective journals & scrapbooks, plans of action, flow diagrams, tree diagrams, gantt charts, spreadsheets & databases
3. Existing practices in project management may include those used by past students, managers, industry mentors and practising technologists. 4. Project management ensures that all aspects of development are coordinated to effectively manage resources within the physical and social environment where the outcome is to be developed. 5. Resources may include: time, materials, tools and equipment, research information, stakeholders and specialist knowledge and skills residing in community and school experts. 6. Technological practice is undertaken to develop an outcome. An outcome for the purpose of this standard is a conceptual design for an outcome and/or a technological outcome itself (prototype).
1. Read all assessment information on this page. Ask for clarifications before starting your project. 2. Determine a project for AS91610 or AS91310 3. Review the project management tools on 4. Develop a plan to manage the development of making a video or arcade game about your project 5. Use a variety of free planning tools to time manage your project (eg: flow + tree diagrams & gantt chart etc) 6. Review (use) industry standard planning tools (eg: Trello, Asana, Monday, Hive etc) 7. Include 'critical review points' at key points throughout your project to assess the development of your project 8. Constantly review your project schedule, are you meeting your plan? Do you need to change your schedule?
Undertake project management to support technological practice involves:
1. establishing a project schedule reflective of the physical and social environment where the outcome is to be developed and implemented, informed by existing practices in project management
ESTABLISHING A PROJECT SCHEDULE Determine a project plan & timeline of events/milestones/software use to develop a promotional video or arcade game project using a variety of brainstorms, mind maps, idea banks, reflective journals & scrapbooks, plans of action, flow diagrams, tree diagrams, gantt charts, spreadsheets or databases.
IMPLEMENTED Stick to your project schedule to develop your project to create a video or arcade game
INFORMED BY EXISTING PRACTICES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT Using free or freemium/paid project management softwares 2. Implementing the project schedule to coordinate goals, planning tools, resources, and progress review points in a coherent manner to ensure completion of an outcome.
Undertake EFFECTIVE project management to support technological practice. The key word is effective. This means you...
3. demonstrating project scheduling informed by a critical analysis of existing practices in project management
4. reviewing progress at critical review points to revise and/or confirm project scheduling to ensure completion of an outcome.
Undertake EFFICIENT project management to support technological practice. The key word here is efficient. This means you...
5. optimising time and material use to ensure completion of an outcome, through ongoing reflection of the practice undertaken, and revision of project scheduling.