Driving Question Technology is ‘intervention by design’ informed by creative thinking, drawing and using digital applications to develop solutions to needs or wants. How will you take advantage of the opportunities this course offers?
Course outline The Ministry of Education's aim is for learners to develop broad technological knowledge that will equip them to participate in society as informed citizens & provide a platform for technology related careers. In this course learners engage in creative thinking to design their own project and use a wide variety of digital technologies to visualise their ideas and improve essay writing skills. This range of assessments offer University Entrance accreditation with 14 or more credits.
Assessment ideas suggestions Do a project your interested in, something that you will enjoy over the course of this year Challenge yourself to learn new digital technology skills to visualise your project in 2D + 3D + code
Design & Creative Thinking is a key part of technology There are 12 Creative Thinking design strategies to develop project ideas on this page digital.school.nz/creative-thinking