This page is for all Learners, Whanau & Learning Leaders who participate in the Y11 Digital Technology Integrated Learning Programme. Learners can use any content they create in any subject learning area and use technology to create a digital outcome.
There are 5 digital technology modules (described below) that Learners can use to create digital outcomes of ideas and learning. The information, help & email contact and AC Digital Values sections are at the bottom of this page.
All Learners who participate in the Digital Technology Integrated Learning Programme can choose any or all of the 5 digital technology modules for their projects. These modules are designed to incorporate all learning areas curriculum and content. Discuss your idea with your Y11 Learning Leader Advisers and learn to create your own digital media outcome using any or all of the 5 digital modules of learning.
AC Digital Module #1 is about "visual communication". Learners will create a collection of visual presentation documents to demonstrate their ideas. Module #1 is based on AS91071 - 4 Credits, Level 1
STAGE 1: Demonstrate the important features and common uses of Word Processing, Presentation, Spreadsheet & Database software applications. Set up a folder structure to organise the information and resources you collect, create and use for your idea.
STAGE 2: Create a Google Docs document and 'cut&paste' website research links that relate to your idea (the issue). Create a 5 image Pecha Kucha using Google Slides Presentation and a elevator pitch to educate and persuade others about your idea.
STAGE 3: Create a comprehensive presentation about an idea. Use a combination of any two software applications to visually communicate an idea. -Use Google Docs or Microsoft Word (10 pages maximum). -Use Google Slides or Microsoft Powerpoint (20 slides maximum). -Use Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet data set) and number data about your idea to automatically create graphs to visually demonstrate statistics about your idea. -Use a database management system (Microsoft Access) for your idea. Evaluate your idea using the REDCAB rubric.
CHECK: Ensure your visual communication documentation has... -used two software applications. -"speaker notes" on all slides. - been checked and tested for relevance, accuracy, reliability and data integrity. - a folder structure with organised information and resources you collect, create and use for your idea visual communication. -Refer to the specifications on the Module #1 Marking Schedule. -Refer to cyberbully examples for more assessment information.
AC Digital Module #2 is about a "3d movie". Learners will create a digital movie of their idea that incorporates a 3d model. Module #2 is based on AS91073 - 4 Credits, Level 1
There are 5 stages to meet the criteria of Module #2.
STAGE 1: Research your idea. Set up a folder structure to organise the information and resources you collect, create and use for your idea. Create a elevator pitch and5 image Pecha Kucha using Google Slides Presentation about your idea.
STAGE 2: Use a software application to 3d model your idea. If you have never used any of the 3d modeling softwares then watch youtube tutorials about each one before you make a decision about which one you will use to 3d model your idea. Sketchup tutorials, Blender tutorials, Maya tutorials, Minecraft tutorials
STAGE 3: Animate your idea by creating a "fly through" around your 3d modeled to digitally demonstrate your idea as a movie. Use the 3d animation in your movie.
STAGE 4: Create a composite image of your idea using Photoshop. Use 'original content' (photos and images you have created yourself, not from the internet). The use of some 'Creative Commons' images from the internet is ok. Refer to the example below that demonstrates what a composite image is.
STAGE 5: UseWindows Movie Maker(or similar movie software) to compose your movie using 5 Pecha Kucha images, 3d animated movie fly through and composite image digital content. Narrate your movie by describing your idea, include your elevator pitch. Add a soundtrack to your movie (create your own music or use Creative Commons audio.
THIS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW TO USE THIS #2 MODULE FOR YOUR AUTHENTIC LEARNING PROJECT. The example uses a horse theme to demonstrate an idea. Research horse images and video. Save images in your folder, use Google Docs to document the research website links that relate to your idea. Create a Pecha Kucha and elevator pitch about your idea. 3d model your idea. Create a fly through around your 3d model. Create a composite image of your idea, the example image below combines a photo you take yourself, a screenshot of your 3d model and 1 Creative Commons image. Finally, compose a movie of your idea using your digital content.
Example of a composite image created using Photoshop
AC Digital Module #3 is about "digital media". Learners will create a video of their idea using professional industry software. Module #3 is based on AS91370- 4 Credits, Level 2
There are 4 stages to meet the criteria of Module #3.
STAGE 1: Create a elevator pitch, a5 image Pecha Kucha using Google Slides Presentation and a storyboard about your idea. Set up a folder structure to organise the information and resources you collect, create and use for your idea.
STAGE 2: Film your movie and use Premier Pro to edit footage you took on your mobile phone (or other recording device). Use good audio quality when filming, edit your audio with Audacity. Use good file management techniques to name and organise your digital content.
STAGE 3: Use After Effects to compile your edited footage, audio and other content. Create motion graphics titles and reference credits at the start & end of the movie.
STAGE 4: Render the movie. Critique the movie and get feedback from others. Can you make it better? Re edit your movie as needed and re render. Go through this process several times to get the best achievement.
AC Digital Module #4 is about creating a website to document the "development" of an idea.Learners will create a website using Weebly and learn about HTML coding. Module #4 is based on AS91354- 4 Credits, Level 2
There are 4 stages to meet the criteria of Module #4.
BRIEF: Create a website about your idea and the 7 stages of a idea development. This idea development website describes the 7 stages you need to consider. The website uses an example of 'traffic safety' to develop an idea. You need to research and develop your idea in accordance with each of the 7 stages.
STAGE 1: Research the big issues and context of your idea. Create an elevator pitch,anda5 image Pecha Kucha using Google Slides Presentation about your idea. Set up a folder structure to organise the information and resources you collect, create and use for your idea.
STAGE 2: Setup a Weebly website (admin by AC Learning Leaders) for your idea. Learn the features of Weebly and create a page for all 7 stages of development.
STAGE 3: You need to organise a "stakeholder" to give you regular feedback on your idea development. The end goal is to confirm a "final brief, conceptual statement and specification" of an idea you want to develop. A stakeholder cannot be another Learner. A stakeholder could be: your Whanau tutor or other Learning Leaders, your parents, a relative, a older brother or sister who is not a teenage student etc.
STAGE 4: Create your own website content (images,text,video) as you go through the process of developing your design. Use Weebly to document each stage. Your website will become a 'live document' that you consistently update over the 7 stage process of your idea development. Reference all research website links.
AC Digital Module #5 is about Computer Science. Learners will learn to code and use Scratch to demonstrate their idea. Module #5 is based on AS91075 and AS91076- 3 Credits each, Level 1
There are 2 stages to meet the criteria of Module #5.
BRIEF: Learners will learn about Basic coding, Loops, While Loops, If Statements and Variables (5 principles of Computer Science) then plan and codean idea.
STAGE 1: Learners will complete the Junior DTC Khan Academy Java moduleto learn how to create images and animations using lines of Java code you write. Then, Java code your own drawing or animation to visually demonstrate your idea.
STAGE 2: Learners will learn how to codeScratch to create a digital outcome of your idea. Use Photoshop to create your own sprites and images of your idea to use in Scratch.
If Learners want to code their own computer program (not using Scratch) then they need to create a 5 image Pecha Kucha to describe what and how they want to code and get Head of Learning Area approval before starting the process.
Read the following notes which giveadvice andtechnical details about AC Digital. Email any questions using the email form at the bottom of this page.
#1 OTHER SUBJECT LEARNING AREAS Learners can use any content they create in any subject learning area and use technology to create a digital outcome. There are 5 different digital technology modules that Learners can use to create digital outcomes of ideas and learning.
#2 FILE MANAGEMENT Use good file management techniques to name and organise your digital content.
Name every digital file you create with a correct description. For example: If your using a jpeg image of an apple, name your file apple.jpeg
Use sequential numbering to name your files. For example: If you have 5 different images of apples, name them apple.jpeg, apple1.jpeg, apple2.jpeg, apple3.jpeg etc
Use a folder system to organise your digital content. Create a main folder, then other specialist folders within the main folder to control your content. For example: create a folder on your computer and name it MY IDEA. Within this main foldercreate folders called Images, Movies, Music, Written documents and any other folders you need for your project.
Save all your digital content in the correct folders. This means you will be able to find your content faster and you wont loose any files over the course of the project. It also makes it easier to backup your work. Save your work on more than 1 device. For example: Save your work on; your AC 'My Documents' drive, your Google Drive, a portable hard drive, USB drive, your phone, your laptop or tablet or home computer.
#3 PRESENTING IDEAS Dont "Death by PowerPoint". Death by PowerPoint is a phenomenon caused by the poor use of presentation software. Key contributors to death by PowerPoint include confusing graphics, slides with too much text and presenters whose idea of a good presentation is to read 40 slides out loud. Create an elevator pitch & Pecha Kucha.
#4 ELEVATOR PITCH & PECHA KUCHA PRESENTATIONS Create a elevator pitch about your idea. Create a 5 image Pecha Kucha presentation about your idea using Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint or similar software. or Kucha ~ the art of concise presentations. Pecha Kucha's are usually 20 images on screen for 20 seconds per image, presentations are approx 7 minutes long. At AC Digital you only need a 1 minute elevator pitch anda 5 image Pecha Kuchato present your idea.
#7 SOFTWARE Each of the 5 modules require different software to create a digital outcome. At the bottom of each module there is a list of software for that module. All software links refer to youtube tutorial videos to learn how to use the software. If you want to use software that is not listed on this website, discuss your idea and proposed software with the Head of Learning Area and get approval before you start. Not all computers run all software. Check your computer is suitable for your project. For example: Scratch wont work on a tablet, your BYOD laptop might not have Microsoft software, Google Docs needs full Internet access, Photoshop wont run on Chromebooks, software might need updating to the latest version, operating systems issues etc...
#8 DAILY DIARY Keep a daily diary of what you do or dont accomplish and your next learning steps. Use a Google Doc to keep your own diary notes or use this AC Digital Diary Google Form to automatically curate your diary. Its important to track your progress over the course of your project so that you can self reflect on your learning and discuss your learning with others.
#9 ORIGINAL CONTENT ***IMPORTANT*** Learners will create their own content for use in digital outcomes. If Learners use digital media from the Internet then they need to reference each website link where they got content from and for written text use APA referencing. DO NOT COMMIT PLAGIARISM. Use Creative Commons images where possible. NZQA authenticity guidelines determine what 'original content' is. For example: If you create a 5 image Pecha Kucha by using images from the Internet then you need to add a website reference link for each image on the last page of your presentation. Look at the last page of this presentation for referencing example.
It is human nature to do things that you like doing. You are more motivated, get better results and enjoy the experience. Ask yourself: "why am i doing this?". If you wont or dont enjoy it, dont do it. (This does not mean 'break the rules'. You still need to comply with school rules)
What is your idea? What do you want to achieve? Research & document your idea with words & images. Critique your idea with others. Create an elevator pitch and a 5 image Pecha Kucha to describe your idea.
What does your idea look like? Consider all design aspects of your idea. How can you make your idea better? Create quality visual imagery to demonstrate your idea. Presentation is important.
How are you going to develop your idea? How long will it take to achieve? What do you need to learn to achieve? How are you going to learn?
Dedicate yourself to achieving your idea. Focus on the most important or difficult parts first. Dont be put off by failure or slow progress or become unmotivated.
Keep a daily diary of your progress. Reflect on what you do and dont accomplish. What are you learning from your experiences? Be honest with yourself, are you demonstrating a "zest for learning"?
Do everything you need to create the idea that you planned. The process is more important than the end result. Be proud of your achievement.