ASSESSMENT TITLE: Undertake a critique of a technological outcome’s design NZ CURRICULUM AREA: Generic Technology ASSESSMENT ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD:AS91617 CREDITS: 4 ASSESSMENT BRIEF: Write an essay critiquing a technology your interested in DESCRIPTION: Improve your literacy skills by writing an essay about a technology your interesting in
Demonstrate your literacy skills by writing an essay to critique a technology your interested in. Use T.E.X.A.S literacy strategies to answer the assessment questions Use word economy in your essay. Use less words to say more, dont repeat yourself. Make a point, back it up with fact. Dont plagiarize information from websites. Use footnote references to link to your research and any quotes you use in your essay.
Word Economy: In writing, word economy refers to careful management of the words that end up in your text. Keep sentences, paragraphs, and chapters as short as they can be without degrading your storytelling or rhetoric. Monitor your word choice to make sure you aren’t filling your prose with superfluous words that make sentences longer but not necessarily better. When you review your own work, ask yourself: “Could I communicate this same idea using fewer words?” If the answer is yes, then rewrite the relevant sentences and paragraphs with that in mind. (DavidMamet-Masterclass)
3 Judgement criteria may include: sustainability, accessibility, functionality, quality of manufacture, emotional resonance, endurance, social benefit, aesthetic quality, ergonomic fit, affordability. 4 Design decision making is influenced by the values, tastes and views held by individuals, groups and/or collectives.
Write your essay on Google Docs, A4 size, portrait, 1" margins. Maximum 10 pages. Arial 12 point font for all text except headings. Use page numbers & headings titles. Do not plagerize or copy/paste text from the Internet without referencing it.
Undertake a critique of a technological outcome’s design involves:
1. explaining the concept of good design and why criteria for judging the quality of design change
2. explaining views of design and judgement criteria used to determine the quality of the design of technological outcomes
3. appraising the design of a technological outcome using design judgement criteria.
Undertake an in-depth critique of a technological outcome’s design involves:
4. discussing why contemporary judgement criteria are important for design decision making 5. evaluating the quality of the design of a technological outcome using design judgement criteria.
Undertake a comprehensive critique of a technological outcome’s design involves:
6. discussing the impact of judgement criteria on design decision making 7. justifying the evaluation of a technological outcome’s design.