ASSESSMENT: AS91102 - Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD: NZ CURRICULUM AREA: English CREDITS: 3 ASSESSMENT TITLE: Do a 4 minute speech of your project to the class using the Pecha Kucha method of presentations. ASSESSMENT BRIEF: Use no more than 20 images of drawings + 2D + 3D content you created during your project in your presentation. Describe the key points of your project to the class in your speech using a "introduction - key points - conclusion". ASSESSMENT CLARIFICATIONS: MARKING SCHEDULE: add link to doc...
1. Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text which develops, sustains, and structures ideas involves building on ideas by adding comments, explanations, details or examples, and making connections between ideas, throughout an oral text
2. Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text which develops, sustains, and structures ideas convincingly involves ideas and structure that are reasoned, clear, and relevant to the purpose of the text
3. Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text which develops, sustains, and structures ideas effectively involves ideas and structure that are insightful and/or original
4. Construct and deliver crafted and controlled oral text using oral language features appropriate to audience and purpose to create effects involves the deliberate use of oral language features appropriate to the selected audience and purpose to create meaning and effects
5. Construct and deliver crafted and controlled oral text using oral language features appropriate to audience and purpose to create convincing effects involves the deliberate selection and use of oral language features appropriate to the selected audience and purpose to create meaning, effects, and audience interest
6. Construct and deliver crafted and controlled oral text using oral language features appropriate to audience and purpose to command attention involves the confident, articulate and sustained use of oral language features appropriate to the selected audience and purpose to create meaning, effects, and audience engagement